Do you feel disorganized?

Follow my 4 Tips to Organize Your Blogging Day and make your blogging life more efficient and successful.

Most bloggers struggle because they lack the organizational skills to be effective, efficient, professional bloggers.

4 Tips to Organize Your Blogging Day

As a full-time pro blogger, I know how hectic work days combined with busy offline lives cripple even the most determined but disorganized bloggers.

Follow these 4 tips to organize your blogging day.

1: Follow a Set Routine

Follow a set blogging routine.

Develop a blogging habit.

I begin each day with 40 minutes of yoga and 20 minutes of meditation.

I follow up with a Facebook Live Broadcast, I check my email then I dive into creating and connecting.

Following a routine helps you become organized. Instead of racing around like a headless chicken you proceed in orderly fashion.

Stick to your routine diligently.

Until life intervenes.

2: But Be Flexible

Tomorrow my wife and I are flying to Thailand.

We are prepping for a flight to Bangkok. After a short flight to Chiang Mai, we will settle in for a 7-week house sit.

Preparing for an around the world trip requires me to ease up on my blogging duties over the next few days. As I sat down to write this post I had to put it on hold. Some pre-trip prep revealed I needed to pop over to Walmart to buy something for my camera, although I suspect most travel shots will be via my phone.

After a 20 minute trip to and from the store, I’m sitting down to write this guest post for Marie and you, her rocking community.

Do I usually interrupt my blogging work day for a Walmart trip? Nope. But I want to tie up loose ends before we begin our trip tomorrow afternoon.

Be flexible.

I often share the analogy of palm trees swaying in the winds, surviving monsoon rains, while their rigid Western tree neighbors often snap like twigs due to their inflexibility.

3: Time Tasks

Work on the clock.

Time your blogging tasks.

Drop any activity like a hot potato after 60 minutes or 10 minutes or however many minutes you devote to the task.

I spend 10 to 20 minutes visiting Twitter through Tweetdeck.

When my 10 to 20 minute work period expires I drop everything and close out the tool.

Letting go tasks immediately after you finish working keeps you organized, orderly and clear thinking. Distractions dissolve. You more easily let go past tasks and worry less about future tasks if you work off of the clock.

4: Revisit Your Reason Why

Why are you blogging?

I enjoy traveling the world.

I love helping people retire to a life of island hopping through smart blogging.

Focusing on these reasons keeps me on task.

I move into organized, effective action because I don’t let fears pull me from my blogging schedule.

Revisit the reason why you are blogging.

Tie the reason to something fun and freeing.

You will rarely if ever get disorganized when being led by a pulsating, overpowering, loving reason why you blog.

Organizing eBook

If you want to effectively organize your blogging day buy my eBook:

How to Organize Your Blogging Day for Maximum Efficiency




Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph

Ryan Biddulph is a blogger, author and world traveler who’s been featured on Richard Branson’s Virgin Blog, Forbes, Fox News, Entrepreneur, Positively Positive, LifeHack, John Chow Dot Com and Neil Patel Dot Com. He has written and self-published 126 bite-sized eBooks on Amazon. Ryan can help you build a successful blog at Blogging From Paradise.

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