Photo Credit: cameralends

Photo Credit: cameralends

How exciting, you’ve decided to vacation in Europe! You’ve confirmed your flight details, chosen the hotel; even decided on the color, make, and model of the car you’re going to rent. Every detail is in order…or is it? What most travelers never think about until their faced with an unfortunate situation is breakdown coverage.

Prepare for unexpected situations

Prepare for unexpected situations

My suggestion to anyone who’s renting a car and traveling through Europe is to get breakdown insurance. A great company that offers fantastic rates and can work with any budget is The AA Insurance Company. They have comprehensive coverage on a variety of policies for incredibly reasonable prices.

Before leaving for your European vacation, there are several things you should do to plan for a successful driving experience. Taking these steps ahead of time will save you money, time, and most importantly, stress.

Be familiar with the rules of the road

Be familiar with the rules of the road

Make sure you are familiar with the different driving laws in Europe. And please drive on the right side of the road. I can’t tell you how important this is! It may sound silly, but I’ve seen people unfamiliar with driving in Europe take off and drive on the wrong side.

Check online to see what documentation you need to keep on you while driving. Check the local speed limits and how to convert them if you’re not familiar with the metric system. Some countries require you to carry compulsory in-car equipment so make sure you are familiar with what is required before you arrive.

European Health Insurance Card

European Health Insurance Card

It’s wise to get a European Health Insurance card. It will entitle you to reduced or free health insurance should you need it for illnesses or injuries while traveling. For more details go to this website:

Photo Credit:  ‪

Photo Credit: ‪

Get a European in-car tool kit. This breakdown kit consists of a fire extinguisher, tool kit, torch (flash light), first-aid kit, blanket, reflective jacket, and warning triangle. Also having a jack and wheel removal kit can be of great assistance if you get a flat tire.

Once you arrive at your destination and are ready for your travels through Europe ensure that you have an up to date map of the surrounding areas. Map out your travel plans carefully and let someone know your route. Check that you either have international capabilities on your cell phone, or get a SIM card from a local store to ensure that you can keep in communication with local authorities should you need to. Make note of the local authorities contact information in case of emergencies and be aware of your surroundings at all time.

Traveling throughout Europe

Traveling throughout Europe

Driving and traveling throughout Europe can be a thrilling and rewarding experience, one that will stay with you forever. Being smart and prepared is a smart choice when vacationing and can guarantee that you’re experiences are great ones.

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